A narrative is a selected way a story is told:
- Does it follow some sort of structure
- Does it have conventions
- Doors it have a beginning, middle and an end
- What characters? Protagonist, antagonists and props theory
Types of TV drama's
- Single drama/film
- Soap (continuous drama TV shows like Eastenders)
- Soaps generally have massive casts
- Serial (A Tv show that runs in seasons such as Riverdale)
- Anthology ( A series with a completely different stories and different characters)
- Long from series dramas (Different seasons but the storyline in through every episode or across multiple seasons)
- Long from series with some experimentations (Plays around with how many hours are in a series and how many episodes)
Linear narrative - A sequence narrative with a beginning, middle and an end in that order. Linear narratives provides a straight forward sequential representation of events leading to a single resolution. As such easily accessible to audiences that are the dominant form in a mainstream media representations.
In the Little Red Riding Hood there is a state of equilibrium because everyone in a sate of neutralness. A disruption in the equilibrium is when she meets the wolf, The wolf disrupts the balanced, happy nature of the story. There is a recognitions of the disruption when the wolfs in the grandmas house. The attempt to repair the damage when there is an alteration between the wold and Red Riding Hood. The new equilibrium is when the grandma is alive and everything is happy.

The incredibles uses Todorov heory at the beginning everyone loved the superhero's, suddenly after one incident people started to dislike hero's and wanted to ban them, after a while of secretly saving the day the people were beginning to like them again and accept them.
Cuffs is known as a character led narrative with multiple storylines, its a serial drama.
The Avengers is now as a long form and serial drama.
Equilibrium = There is no commotion in the city.
Disruption = Bus crashed into shop then goes onto stealing the ATM's.
Recognition = The police call for backup and try to intervene .
Attempt to repair = The police go onto the car chase to stop them.
Return to new equilibrium = Criminals have not been caught yet.
The Avengers:
Equilibrium = Peaceful atmosphere, the fight with Peel and Steed.
Disruption = When everyone finds out who the main characters are and attack them.
Attempt to repair = They fight back and win.
Return to equilibrium = They end up going back home to their peaceful atmosphere.